Licences for the use of SFX and stock music

The use of recordings (SFX + Stock Music) downloaded on Sound Fishing is regulated by different types of licence identified by letters code (LESF ; OGD ; LMK).

Licence for sound effects

All the sound effects, ambiances and production elements use are regulated by LESF Licence.

The LESF Licence a royalty-free licence allowing the private and professional/commercial use of sound effects, ambiences and production elements, for synchronisation, at no extra cost. You can use them freely for projects like film, video, video game, audiobook, web site, exhibition and live performance, multimedia... whatever the broadcast way or territory, and the length of the sound. When synchronized, they can be broadcasted, copied and redistributed. Redistribution of unsynchronised recordings from the web site is prohibited. Prices include VAT and no additional fees are required when Recordings are used in accordance with the LESF Licence terms (synchronisation). For other use, please contact us. We invite you to read the LESF licence for more informations.

Licences for stock music

For stock music, three types of licence exist. You will find a 3 letters licence code next to each music description (LESF, LMK ou OGD).

The LESF Licence a royalty-free licence allowing the private and professional/commercial use of music tracks, for synchronisation, at no extra cost. You can use them freely for projects like film, video, video game, audiobook, web site, exhibition and live performance, multimedia... whatever the broadcast way or territory, and the length of the music. When synchronized, they can be broadcasted, copied and redistributed. Redistribution of unsynchronised music from the web site is prohibited. Prices include VAT and no additional fees are required when musics are used in accordance with the LESF Licence terms (synchronisation). For other use, please contact us. We invite you to read the LESF licence for more informations.
LMK Licences are royalty free licences associated to MrKey's musical works. The free version of the licence (LMK-Free) is reserved to private and family use. The pro version (LMK-Pro) is for professional and commercial use (30€ per track and project). You can use MrKey's musical works freely for projects like film, video, video game, audiobook, web site, exhibition and live performance, multimedia... whatever the broadcast way or territory, and the length of the music. When synchronized, they can be broadcasted, copied and redistributed. Redistribution of unsynchronised music from the web site is prohibited. Prices include VAT and no additional fees are required when musics are used in accordance with the LMK Licence terms (synchronisation). For other use, please contact us. Redistribution of unsynchronised music is prohibited. We invite you to read the LMK-Free licence or the LMK-Pro licence for more informations.

Order a LMK Pro licence
The OGD licence is associated to music composed by members of a society of authors such as SACEM. These composers/songwriters entrust the management of rights to SOUND FISHING. The use of these tracks are subect to the conventional approach of the society of authors in question. This may vary according to how the track will be used (web, TV, cinema, institutionnel, ...). Generaly, you'll have to 1) Contact the composer in order to get an authorisation for synchronisation/use 2) obtain a declaration form from SACEM 3) send back the declaration form to SACEM/SDRM.
The SACEM Licence is a simplified version of the OGD Licence, this licence is associated to music composed by SACEM members. The use of these tracks doesn't need to get an autorisation form composers but a declaration to SACEM/SDRM.

Illegal or improper downloading of files from the site and the non-compliance with Terms of use and sale / Licences constitutes a violation Sound Fishing property and may lead to legal action. No license shall be granted for the use of illegal and improper downloaded sound.